It's a pretty tall tin, and so you get a hefty amount of product for your bucks, which isn't bad. It's more of a lip balm format and consistency than a lip gloss though, and as you can see it doesn't really have any color. It's a clear gloss with fine shimmer. Wear time isn't too great, but if you treat this as a lip balm you'll understand why. All in all, it's a pretty unremarkable product, but you do get what you pay for ( if you get it on sale... ). Here's the shot of me wearing it on bare lips:
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Juicy Couture Lip Gloss in Layer Cake
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Woot Sale at The Body Shop
The products were a blush/highlighter quad, a mineral eyeshadow in a dark chrome-y gray with shimmer, and a cute eyeshadow duo in white and blue. Reviews coming up soon!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Urban Decay Stardust Samples

So recently I got a sample of Urban Decay's (relatively) new eyeshadows "Stardust" in the bottom two colors, Space Cowboy and Retrograde. (Also how do I turn off this underlining stuff?!).
Anyways, I had great hopes as I am a total UD junkie, but Stardust was some nasty stuff. The fallout was terrible.. like World War III had started up but instead of destruction and terror, someone had filled all the ICBMs of the world with glitter. Somehow, after I was done demurely patting Space Cowboy over my lid and Retrograde into my crease, I had glitter in places that I can't even write down for fear of your sanity. It got pretty much everywhere- in my hair (even as it was held back by a hairband), on my neck, on my entire face and onto my clothes).
The pigmentation was also terrible sh*tty and I had to put on layers and layers of the shadow to get any real solid color (resulting in more Edward-like fallout). I'm pretty sure I even inhaled some glitter and may presently sue UD for some glitter-caused respiratory disease, like eyeshadothelioma or something (damn that Stardusbesthos!).
And all this was on top of the holy UD Primer Potion too, so there really was no excuse when, a quarter through my day (eg 2 - 3 hours) I realized that most of the shadow had faded off and was barely there and I had to reapply something like 2 in the afternoon...and then proceed to sticky my face with some Scotch tape to get most of the glitter (don't even TRY to get all of it.. the world will end before you could possibly accomplish such a task).
And all this was on top of the holy UD Primer Potion too, so there really was no excuse when, a quarter through my day (eg 2 - 3 hours) I realized that most of the shadow had faded off and was barely there and I had to reapply something like 2 in the afternoon...and then proceed to sticky my face with some Scotch tape to get most of the glitter (don't even TRY to get all of it.. the world will end before you could possibly accomplish such a task).
So yeah. UD Stardust eyeshadow sucks. Don't waste yer moolah!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Finally got a day of relaxation from summer school haha... my schedule runs from 10am to 9pm! Anyways, I have a LOT of catching up to do! Hope you've all been well, and that your summer is full of kickass-ery.
Oh yeah, and it was very recently my roommate Nat's 21st birthday! Her parents got all of us chocolate mousse for the occasion and I just dug into mine now... it's SOO GOOD.
Not sure where they got it but I NEED to know.. it is super delish. And it looks like a bunny!
Anyways, now that summer is upon us, I am feeling paler than ever. What bothers me the most is that for the longest time, my face and my neck haven't matched colors in forever! After countless foundations and bb creams, I've given up looking for my HG color match since I don't think any makeup line runs "sheet white" or "cottage cheese" as one of their color choices... So the only solution to my dilemma? TAN MY NECK.
Just got this thing today from Walgreens.. it was 10 bucks but it's a quite generously sized tube so I don't mind.. all THAT much. I'll let you all know how it turns out.. and if I turn orange, please don't laugh.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Avon Blush Giveaway Winner!
Hey all!
Sorry for not posting in superlong, summer school's started and it's a lot more hardcore than I'd thought it would be. I guess it's time to man up though, eh?
Anyways, without further ado, it's time to conclude the Avon Smooth Minerals Blush Giveaway!
I used Classtool's random name picker annnndddddd
Congrats Ambassador!!!!! Please e-mail me your full name and address so I can mail you your prize!
And for everyone else, no worries this won't be the last giveaway =).
Monday, July 5, 2010
Eye makeup Night Look, Purple Smokey =)
Here's a look I did before I went out for a night of partying (where I subsequently broke my sandals, hugged random people, and had to run away from a rather persistent boy with a monobrow).
I took some pretty silly myspace-camwhore-ish pics of myself on the webcam before I went, so please ignore that because I wanted to share the eyemakeup look I did for this blog haha.
It's basically a smoky purple look with extremely heavy eyeliner and a large wing. I also lined my bottom waterline with white to try to make my beady eyes larger... did it work?

Here's a slightly creepy closeup of me trying to glare at my laptop over my lower lids... I tried to go for a gradation from dark to light from the outside of my eye in.
Anyways, that's pretty much it =). Oh and please forgive the graininess of the photos, my webcam isn't really up to par anymore.
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